Sayaka maizono is satan.

Hi. Have you seen the Japanese anime/game Dingle Ronpiss? Well if you have, you should know that there is a very evil girl named Sayaka Maizono. "Evil?!" you might say, "How is she evil?" I will explain here. She basically is Satan.
I have evidence, you see!
1. She is in a girl band. Girl bands are evil. She probably rapped while spitting on disabled orphans backstage at a concert.
2. Her hair is blue and blue is an evil color.
3. If you look very closely at her bow on the shirt she's wearing, there is a triangle formed. What evil conspiracy group's symbol is a triangle? The. Illuminati. She's the leader of the illuminati.
4. She probably watches anime. What is anime spelled backwords? Emina. Emina is a satanic name for satanic people who have hair.
5. Who killed her? Leon Kuweenie. And his hair was red. Red is a satanic color because it's the color of Satan himself. And her horns are red shown in this real picture I found.
6. Her name backwards is onoziam akayaS. Notice anything..odd? The first three letters are ono (Oh no) Oh no is a bad word in bad situations.
7. She tried to kill someone.
8. She tries to be kawaii and being kawaii is a pray to satan.
9. She's dead and she went to Hell. Who else is in Hell? Satan. She is the new Satan.
I'm sorry but you have to face the facts. goodbye sayaka maizono.....................

she is satan ;)